Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Dinner and a valuable lesson

Had a couple of willing friends over for dinner!

2 men trying very hard to rock a flowery and teddy bear apron...

frying the breaded chicken fillet

cooking is 50% skill and 50% patience

Initially the mash potatoes were overly salty. I couldn't serve it! Had to add more potatoes so that the saltiness was reduced. I think it's because I salted the water when I was boiling potatoes coz I hardly added salt when I was mashing it.

Fried Chicken

with the cherry tomatoes & baby spinach salad, makes Chicken Milanese.

serving everyone...

they were entertained


Not very successful lamb. Firstly, I am convinced that the butcher at the market gave me mutton (as in adult sheep) instead of lamb. Secondly, I think I overcooked it.

Slightly better pork. Again, I asked for tenderloin, I don't know what I got from the butcher who doesn't know how to speak English. (sigh)

mid way feasting

lemongrass jelly that didn't hold its shape - too little gelatin?

the HIT among everyone: Chocolate Truffle!

Explaining to everyone the secret of my fabulous chocolate truffle: using aged Bailey's Irish Cream
(when I say aged, I mean expired... for 2 years)
All in all it was a learning experience. The most important lesson:
Buying stuff at the wet market is a lot cheaper than those higher end butcheries. But at the wet market, you have to know what you want! If not you really are at the mercy of the butcher.

1 comment:

Vincent said...

amazing. u r a great chef.