Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The grey cotton drop crotch pants
Monday, January 25, 2010
Once Upon a Milkshake
Sunday, January 24, 2010
How to make Grapefruit Sour
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Political Sighting
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Just another meal
Went yesterday to another of those restaurants that has been around, that everyone seems to know of, but sua ku me hasn't gone yet. MOF at Parco Bugis Junction! I hardly ever go to Bugis area coz a) No direct public transport from there to home & b) No particularly interesting shop there. To me it's like a neighbourhood mall that happens to be in town area.
Tried the Japanese Curry Katsu. The Katsu was pretty thick, but I suspect that it was not freshly fried. The Jap curry sauce was lacking in some oomph. And it was accompanied be some shredded cabbage and diced cucumber and tomatoes. Altogether, the dish seemed pre-prepared, no fresh taste to it. Just assemble the pre-cooked stuff, heat it up and serve, not unlike those TV dinners in the supermarket.
Oh, and another gripe: the green tea was WAY TO POWDERY. Think it is made from tea dust. When left to stand for a few minutes, the cup was one fifth filled with sediment! Undrinkable.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Not a good dinner
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Go West
This is the furthest west of Singapore I've been in a long time. Went all the way past Boon Lay station, past the Pooneer station to the sparkling new Joo Koon station! All to have a lunch at the Tung Lok restaurant at Arena Country Club. Hope the food is worth the journey!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Our God is so BIG!
A long long time ago, the Israelites were living in the land of Egypt. The Egyptians (yellow cuffs) were living in harmony with the Israelites (those with scarves).
The Egyptians (yellow cuffs) were living in harmony with the Israelites (those with scarves).
However, a new Pharaoh came into power in Egypt... He thought to himself: if the Israelites continue to grow in number, they will outnumber and overthrow the Egyptians.
So the Pharaoh ordered all Israelites to be enslaved.
The Egyptians treated the Israelites badly. They made them work in the hot Egyptian sun with little rest and food.
Moses asked Pharaoh to release the Israelites but Pharaoh refused. Pharaoh did not believe that God was big and powerful. So Moses prayed: Show Pharaoh how big and powerful you are.
God sent the plague of flies
and the plague of frogs. The Egyptians were suffering from the plagues, but Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go.
But it was the last plague that changed Pharaoh's mind. All the first born male in Egypt was struck dead, including Pharaoh's own son! Pharaoh summoned Moses and told him and all the Israelites to leave Egypt.
God lead his people out of Egypt. By day, it was by cloud..
the people had to follow the cloud.
At night, God lead them by a pillar of fire! In this way, the people knew that God was always with them as they travelled out of Egypt.
Back in Egypt, Pharaoh realised that no one was left in Egypt to do the hard work. He decided to chase and capture the Israelites. The Egyptian army chased and chased the Israelites until they were cornered. The only way they could escape from the Egyptians was to cross the Red Sea!
Moses prayed and God told Moses to raise his hands over the Red Sea. Something strange happened: the Red Sea parted. The waters stopped flowing, walls of water formed and the Israelites were able to cross the Red Sea on dry land!
However, when the Egyptians tried to cross, the walls of water formed in Red Sea came tumbling down and Pharaoh together with the Egyptian army drowned!
So this is the story of how our big and powerful God rescued the Israelites from Egypt!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Inefficiency at Audio House
Curently, I have to queue to pay up, then join another queue to
collect the items!! Some crap reason about stamping the warrenty card.
Then when I reached the collection counter, they took another few
minutes to find the items i bought. Queued for more than 20 mins
altogether to pay and collect 2 hairdryers.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The Christmas Miracle!
This is entry is also to test the blogging via e-mail function that I've just disocvered.
When you have faith, and your heart is pure, and maybe if you are a bit forgetful and decide to do a little spring cleaning on Christmas eve, MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN!
These are the Hogan shoes that I thought I lost many many months ago. They were my favorite pair coz they just about go with anything. I literally searched my whole house for them, turing out every corner. In the end I couldn't find them and I thought I must have left them at somewhere when I changed out of them.
Then, on Christmas eve last year, I was packing my shoes and I opened my shoe box to put a pair of shoes in and guess what I found in the shoe box? My Hogan shoes!! Turned out, when I bought my shoes, I decided to wear them out of the store and I placed the Hogan shoes in the box and forgotten all about them.
I could have found it any day of the year, but finding it on Christmas eve made it a little more special. Yeah, it is not an exciting story,and it might not be life changing, but now, I have a Christmas miracle to call my own!
The Dinner Party
The next one was less of a disappointment. I took it out too early, cut it up, realised it was too bloody to be eaten, so stuck it back in the oven for another 5 minutes. Then it came out perfect!