This is entry is also to test the blogging via e-mail function that I've just disocvered.
When you have faith, and your heart is pure, and maybe if you are a bit forgetful and decide to do a little spring cleaning on Christmas eve, MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN!
These are the Hogan shoes that I thought I lost many many months ago. They were my favorite pair coz they just about go with anything. I literally searched my whole house for them, turing out every corner. In the end I couldn't find them and I thought I must have left them at somewhere when I changed out of them.
Then, on Christmas eve last year, I was packing my shoes and I opened my shoe box to put a pair of shoes in and guess what I found in the shoe box? My Hogan shoes!! Turned out, when I bought my shoes, I decided to wear them out of the store and I placed the Hogan shoes in the box and forgotten all about them.
I could have found it any day of the year, but finding it on Christmas eve made it a little more special. Yeah, it is not an exciting story,and it might not be life changing, but now, I have a Christmas miracle to call my own!
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