A long long time ago, the Israelites were living in the land of Egypt. The Egyptians (yellow cuffs) were living in harmony with the Israelites (those with scarves).

The Egyptians (yellow cuffs) were living in harmony with the Israelites (those with scarves).

However, a new Pharaoh came into power in Egypt... He thought to himself: if the Israelites continue to grow in number, they will outnumber and overthrow the Egyptians.

So the Pharaoh ordered all Israelites to be enslaved.

The Egyptians treated the Israelites badly. They made them work in the hot Egyptian sun with little rest and food.

Moses asked Pharaoh to release the Israelites but Pharaoh refused. Pharaoh did not believe that God was big and powerful. So Moses prayed: Show Pharaoh how big and powerful you are.

God sent the plague of flies

and the plague of frogs. The Egyptians were suffering from the plagues, but Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go.

But it was the last plague that changed Pharaoh's mind. All the first born male in Egypt was struck dead, including Pharaoh's own son! Pharaoh summoned Moses and told him and all the Israelites to leave Egypt.

God lead his people out of Egypt. By day, it was by cloud..

the people had to follow the cloud.

At night, God lead them by a pillar of fire! In this way, the people knew that God was always with them as they travelled out of Egypt.

Back in Egypt, Pharaoh realised that no one was left in Egypt to do the hard work. He decided to chase and capture the Israelites. The Egyptian army chased and chased the Israelites until they were cornered. The only way they could escape from the Egyptians was to cross the Red Sea!

Moses prayed and God told Moses to raise his hands over the Red Sea. Something strange happened: the Red Sea parted. The waters stopped flowing, walls of water formed and the Israelites were able to cross the Red Sea on dry land!

However, when the Egyptians tried to cross, the walls of water formed in Red Sea came tumbling down and Pharaoh together with the Egyptian army drowned!

So this is the story of how our big and powerful God rescued the Israelites from Egypt!
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